Free Registration!
Send a text
with SIGN UP to 50505
You will receive a text
with a secret PIN
There are no extra fees
You can also
Register at our service affiliate network. Look for stores near you.
Register online. It is simple, quick and easy.
Free registration

Top Up your Pademobile
Top up your account
at our service network
At affiliate businesses.
At BANAMEX, making a deposit to the account: 47760154942, CLABE 002180477601549424, with your phone as reference
Link your cards
online register
Select origenes de fondos at your online account.
Log in your card information.
Contact our affiliates for extra fees

Send money anywhere in Mexico
Send a text to 50505
with SEND amount telephone subject
You will receive a
text with a code
Sign the transaction
send a text withSIGN code to 50505
The person receiving the money
will get a text message
The cost to send $0 - $499 is $7, and from $500 on is $15
You can also
Send money from your online account. Just login the person's cell phone number and select how you want to pay it.

Pay with your cell phone
At a store
Let the cashier know
you'll pay with Pademobile
Indicate your
cell phone number
You'll receive a text with
a code, indicate it
Choose Pademobile as
payment method
Log in
your phone's 10 digits
Log in the code
you'll receive by text
Where to buy

Top Up your cell phone at any time
With a text message
Telcel: Send a text to 50505 AIRETEL telephone amount
Movistar: Send a text to 50505 AIREMOVI telephone amount
Iusacell: Send a text to 50505 AIREIUSACELL telephone amount
Nextel: Send a text to 50505 AIRENEXTEL telephone amount
You'll receive a text
from your operator
From your online account
You just have to log in the phone's 10 digits, select the amount and the mobile operator
To Top Up has no extra charges